With the city of Chicago lifting its mask mandate at the end of February 2022 (https://www.wbez.org/stories/chicago-is-lifting-its-mask-mandate/d03f876c-6bbc-4...), I wanted to make a game that displays how important it sill is to abide by public safety measures. Safety Protocol #1: Wear A Mask is a story-driven interactive experience, in which I wanted the player to feel rewarded for staying safe, and likewise, guilty if they don't. In-game, you have the choice of putting on your mask before going to school, which I declared as a variable. As you traverse through the school bus, you have the opportunity to encounter some classmates who aren't so healthy. Interacting with them will raise your "covidCounter" variable; however, this number shifts dependent on whether your mask is on. The ending you experience is then chosen by a conditional statement, which checks to see how high your "covidCounter" is. To match the real world, these variables, conditionals, and optional interactions all make it possible to still develop Covid-19 even if you do wear your mask; conversely, it's possible to avoid  Covid-19 even if you don't wear your mask. Finally, this game also serves as my introduction to Bitsy, so I was curious to know how I could develop an interactive story using this medium.

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